Sunday, May 04, 2008


Went to see Iron Man Friday night, and I must say it was a great movie from start to finish. Robert Downey Jr played a great Tony Stark. A womanizing, big-headed genius at the beginning of the movie, who changes his ways when he sees what happens with the weapons he creates end up in the hands of the wrong people.
Everyone in the cast was fantastic too--Jeff Bridges, Terence Howard and Gwyneth Paltrow. Although Gwyneth Paltrow was a bit too damsel-in-distress for my tastes. She's a much better actress for what the part needed from her. Hilarious cameo appearance by Stan Lee as a Hugh Hefner look alike, too.
Great Direction from Jon Favreau with equal parts action, humor and drama and he's even in the movie as one of Tony Stark's bodyguards.
So in the end, a fantastic movie with regrettably not one monkey actor in the cast. Although there is an Iron Man suit later in the movie that's a bit Gorilla-like. Oh, and stay all the way until the last credits roll. There's a surprise appearance by Samuel L. Jackson!??


Swands said...

The dude iron, I agree damn good flick, fling poo, monkey poo.

Sal Cipriano said...

great review, mr. monkey!

Anonymous said...

I like your review! Were I to go to the movies I would see Iron Man. But the way I see it I am so behind in movie watching...there have probably been 1 or 2 million made since the 1890's...that it's hopeless to try to catch up.

Patrick said...

You should stop watching Porn, that way you'll get out more to see REAL movies.